Труды Кубанского ГАУ 2015 год, №55

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2015 год, №55

Русская версия

Agronomy, forestry and biology

S. Artyukh
«The method of induced mutagenesis selection apple varieties for intensive technology gardens»

S.S. Bassiev, Ts.G. Dzhioeva, Z.A. Bolieva, F.T. Gerieva
«Characteristics of potato selection in mountainous and foothill areas of North Ossetia – Alania»

S.A. Bekuzarova, L.B. Sokolova
«Methods for creating varieties of grassland legumes mountain phytocenoses»

Ju. A. Bykovsky, T.G. Koleboshina, E.A. Varivoda
«Role of the introduction and primary seed-growing in the creation of the qualitative, competitive seed grain of the water-melon, melon and pumpkin»

O.P. Varivoda, E.A. Varivoda
«Breeding for complex resistance to diseases and safety of fresh melon crops produce»

N.M. Gadƶiev, V.A. Lebedeva
«Selection of varieties which can be used for obtain of ecologicfl safety potato produce is the urgent task of the modern potato breeding»

A.M. Golubev
«Creating apricot varieties with annual fruiting for central Russia and the Volga region»

V.M. Gorina
«The main trends in apricot breeding for creation of native competitive cultivars»

E.V. Gorodnyaya, Z.K. Klimenko
«The domestic varieties of garden roses for the use in breeding in the conditions of the foothills of Crimea»

S.V. Grigorev, K.V. Illarionova
«Results of cannabis sativa breeding to improve textile, oil properties and therapeutic potential»

A.Y. Gryaznov, N.Е. Staroverov, K.K. Zhamova, E.D. Holopova, K.G. Tkachenko
«Research of quality reproductive diasporas species apple (Malus Mill.) with using microfocus X-ray»

N.V. Dergacheva, A.I. Cheremisin, L.M. Kozhevnikova
«Biochemical characteristics of potato varietes selected by siberian scientific research inctitute of agriculture under conditions of forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia»

T.N. Doroshenko
«Improvement of the system of variety selection for creation of modern fruit plantations»

I.V. Dubravina, I.S. Chepinoga, A.M. Tikhonova
«Singling out new source material to create domestic advanced competitive apple varieties in the south of Russia»

V.G. Eremin, G.V. Eremin
«Foreign test of clonal rootstocks of stone fruits selection of Krymsk experimental breeding station, created on the basis of domestic genetic resources»

I.L. Efimova, A.P. Yurkov
«New methods of agric ecology to improve the quality of apple tree planting material»

N.V. Zubkova
«Perspective Clematis L. assortment in breeding»

E.A. Ivanova, G.R. Mursalimova, Z.A. Avdeeva, O.E. Merezhko, M.A. Tihonova, E.P. Starodubtseva, S.E. Nigmetjanova, F.K. Juraeva
«Growing adaptive planting material for orchards in the conditions of the Orenburg region»

L.V. Ivanova-Khanina
«Effect of nutrient medium hormonal composition on rhizogenesis of raspberry in vitro»

V.V. Kazakova, E.M. Kabanova, V.I. Onishchenko
«Comparative assessment of some potato varieties of domestic and foreign selection»

N.G. Kazydub, Т.V. Marakaeva, S.P. Kuzmina
«Prospects and results of haricot beans’ breeding in P.A. Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University»

I.V. Kim, A.K. Novoselov, L.A. Novoselova
«Results Of Comparative Evaluation Of Russian And Foreign Potato Varieties In The Conditions Of Primorsky Territory»

Z.K. Klymenko, V.K. Zykova
«Domestic and world gene resources in selection of garden roses in Nikitsky botanical gardens»

Z.K. Klymenko, S.A. Plugatar, I.N. Kravchenko
«Rathe rose sorts and species from Nikitsky botanicfl gardens colletction and use of them for planting on south coast of the Crimea»

V.P. Koba, T.P. Zhigalova
«Synecological factors limiting the seed germination of herbaceous plants in biocenoses of Crimean pine»

T.G. Koleboshina
«New varieties of watermelon, melon and pumpkin for commodity melon production of Russia, their competitiveness in today's market»

I.N. Korotkih, F.M. Hazieva
«The identification of Digitalis lanata ehrh. сultivars at morphological traits complex»

A.P. Kuznetsova, E.L. Tyshchenko
«Tendencies of development of domestic nursery at the modern stage»

T.A. Latsko
«Biomorphological characteristics of new sorts and forms of peach and nectarine within steppe Crimea nursery»

T.V. Litvinova, I.G. Chernobay, E.L. Shishkina
«Principial methods of subtropical and nut-bearing crops selection within Nikitsky botanical gardens»

L.A. Lukichova
«Gene pool of sweet cherry as the starting material for selection»

A.М. Malko
«Some results of implementation of the programe of national standardization of seed production in Russia»

N.V. Matuzok, P.P. Radchevsky, R.V. Kravchenko, L.P. Troshin
«Ecologically pure viticultural – winemaking production: a new approach for its preparation»

N.V. Mesyats
«Productivity and selection of highly productive peach forms bred in Nikitsky botanical gardens – National science center»

A.V. Mishnev, E.B. Shulga
«Use of interspecies hybridization and experimental polyploidy for creation of linalool-linalil acetate mint variety»

G.R. Mursalimova
«Adaptive and productive varieties of clonal rootstocks of apple as an alternative, competitive products in the global market.»

E.F. Myagkih, A.V. Mishnev
«Evaluation of options for seedlings of origanum vulgare L., obtained by green cutting»

V.I. Nemtinov, Y.N. Dement'ev
«Non-traditional varieties of vegetable plants: the direction of use»

N.I. Nenko, J.I. Sergeev, S.N. Artyukh, N.N. Sergeeva, I.L. Efimova
«Adaptability and processability apple varieties of local breeding in the intensity plantations in the south of Russia»

M.A. Nikolsky, A.Y. Gryaznov, K.K. Zhamova, V.B. Bessonov, N.N. Potrakhov
«Assessment of quality planting material of grapes by methods of microfocus X-ray»

E.V. Oves, S.V. Zhevora, N.A. Qaitova
«Innovative way of in vitro mikrocuttings storage of potato in biokapsuls»

G.S. Osipova, I.N. Andreeva, O.V. Nikolaeva
«Selection and seed production directions for private vegetable growing in Leningrad region»

N.Yu. Polyakova, N.P. Demchenko
«Ways of increase of competitiveness of domestic breeding and seed production of vegetable plants in domestic and global market»

О.Р. Ptashnik
«Technological features of growing conditions chick pea in the steppe Crimea»

K.A. Pshechenkov, S.V. Maltsev
«Harvesting, post-harvest completion and storage of seed potatoes»

O.N. Pyshnaya, M.I. Mamedov, N.A. Shmikova, D.V. Shumilina, T.P. Suprunova, E.A. Dzhos, A.A. Matyukina
«Usage of conventional and modern methods in breeding of pepper Capsicum L.»

P.P. Radchevsky
«New growth regulators to improve regenerative activity of vine cuttings, output and quality of seedlings»

P.P. Radchevsky, N.V. Matuzok, R.V. Kravchenko, L.P. Troshin, I.A. Chursin, D.V. Sidorenko
«Increasing the productivity of wine grapes based on the use of modern technologies»

L.F. Reshetnikova
«Palynological features of breeds iris hybrid a hort. in the conditions of a foothill zone of the Crimea»

N.I. Sidel’nikov, V.I. Ossipov? F.M. Hazieva
«The study of metabolome of echinacea purpurea, macleaya cordata and atropa belladonna»

O.B. Skipor, N.V. Nevkritaya
«Technological features of growing varietal planting material of crimean wormwood Artemisia taurica Willd»

A.V. Smykov, O.S. Fedorova
«Early maturity, blossoming and productivity of peach hybrid forms selected in Nikitsky botanical gardens»

E.F. Sotchenko, Y.V. Sotchenko, E.A. Konareva, V.V. Martirosyan, E.V. Zhirkova
«Study of source material for medium and medium-late corn hybrids breeding»

M.A. Tihonova, G.R. Mursalimova, E.A. Ivanova, Z.A. Avdeeva, O.E. Merezhko, S.E. Nigmetjanova, E.P. Starodubtseva, F.K. Juraeva
«Prospects of development of viticulture and the production of planting material in the Orenburg region»

I.V. Ulanovskaya
«Oreign assortment of Hemerocallis hybrida Hort. in breeding of domestic varieties»

Y.V. Oulyanovskaya, I.I. Suprun, S.V. Tokmakov, G.V. Gordeeva
«Initial material of an apple-tree for creation of genotypes of different ploidy apple-tree, steady against a scab»

F.M. Hazieva, I.N. Korotkih, V.I. Ossipov
«The breeding of medicinal plants by applying metabolomic analysis»

L.A. Khlypenko, V.D. Rabotyagov, L.A. Logvinenko, O.M. Shevchuk
«Perspective sorts of volatile-oil-bearing oils and medical plants to cultivation in the south region of Russia»

M.Yu. Cherednichenko, M.M. Moubarak
«Using in vitro technology for conservation and propagation of pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.) аs medicinal substances producer»

M.Yu. Cherednichenko, O.B. Polivanova
«Prospects of biotechnological propagation techniques to representatives of the genus Agastache Clayton ex Gronov. for secondary metabolites production»

R.Y. Shabanov, E.А. Esayan, V. E. Astafyeva, O. V. Yeskova, M.V. Savchenko, N.G. Kirilenko, A.A. Savchenko
«Storage of seed essential oil and medicinal plants»

R.Y. Shabanov, N.M. The Makrushin, E.А. Esayan, V.E. Astafyeva, M.V. Savchenko, N.G. Kirilenko, Yu.V. Plugatar, S.P. Kutko
«The biological basis of innovative technologies of cultivation of seed essential oil and medicinal plants»

O.V. Yakimova, N.A. Yegorova
«The influence of the composition of the nutrient medium and genotype on clonal micropropagation of origanum in vitro»

List of authors is missing

Agronomy, forestry and biology

UDC 634.11: 631.52: 575.2 (474.70) SRSCTI 68.35.53:68.35.03:34.31.37:68.29.21
S.N. Artyukh
«The method of induced mutagenesis selection apple varieties for intensive technology gardens»
Presents some long-term results of the development and application of the method of induced mutagenesis in breeding varieties of apple for modern intensive technologies southern gardens.

UDC 631.874:633.48 SRSCTI 68.35.
S.S. Bassiev, Ts.G. Dzhioeva, Z.A. Bolieva, A. Tibilov, F.T. Gerieva
«Characteristics of potato selection in mountainous and foothill areas of north ossetia – alania»
Аccording to economic and biological characteristics and planned variety models we sampled 352 genotype selected in All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Potato Growing.

UDC 631.527:633.32 SRSCTI 06.68.35
S.A. Bekuzarova, L.B. Sokolova
«Methods for creating varieties of grassland legumes mountain phytocenoses»
To create varieties of mountain phytocenoses attracted wild forms with signs of high adaptation, winter hardiness, disease resistance, with high seed productivity.

UDC 635.61-62/631.53.01-02 SRSCTI 68.35.03
Ju. A. Bykovsky, T.G. Koleboshina, E.A. Varivoda
«Role of the introduction and primary seed - growing in the creation of the qualitative, competitive seed grain of the water-melon, melon and pumpkin»
Presents information on the potential areas of domestic breeding of melons, the role and importance of primary seed in obtaining varieties of watermelon, melon and pumpkin, specific production of their original and elite seeds.

UDC 635-2.615-611 SRSCTI 68.35.51
O.P. Varivoda, E.A. Varivoda
«Breeding for complex resistance to diseases and safety of fresh melon crops produce»
Considers the problem of ecologically clean production of melons without the use of chemical measures for combating complex diseases. Given information about the importance and nutritional benefits of watermelon and melon in the human diet.

UDC 635.21:631.526.32 SRSCTI 68.35.13
N.M. Gadzhiev, V.A. Lebedeva
«Selection of varieties which can be used for obtain of ecologicfl safety potato produce is the urgent task of the modern potato breeding»
Potato cultivars, which are multispecies hybrids, can be grown with minimal use of fungicides, insecticides and herbicides were picked. Тhe growing of such Kind of potato cultivars will be useful for the environment preservation.

UDC 634.21:631.529 SRSCTI 68.35.59; 68.35.03
A.M. Golubev
«Creating apricot varieties with annual fruiting for central russia and the volga region»
A strategy for the selection process, which allows to achieve annual fruiting apricot in central Russia and the Volga region.

UDC 634.21:631.527:631.526.3 SRSCTI 68.35.21
V.M. Gorina
«The main trends in apricot breeding for creation of native competitive cultivars»
The results of long term investigations of apricot gene pool in Nikitsky Botanical Gardens resulted in determination of economical valuable traits` sources and donors have been presented.

UDC 631.527:582.711(234.86) SRSCTI 68.35.03
E.V. Gorodnyaya, Z.K. Klimenko
«The domestic varieties of garden roses for the use in breeding in the conditions of the foothills of crimea»
The results of studying of garden roses breeding in Nikitsky Botanical Gardens in the conditions of the Foothills of Crimea were presented in this article to identify well adapted varieties for the cultivation in this zone which can be used as parental forms in further breeding studies for creating varieties for this zone.

UDC: 633.522: 631.527 SRSCTI 68.35.03; 65.09.03
S.V. Grigorev, K.V. Illarionova
«Results of cannabis sativa breeding to improve textile, oil properties and therapeutic potential»
Variable breeding material on broaden gene base developed as results of research.

UDC 58.087, SRSCTI 47.29.39
A.Y. Gryaznov, N.Е. Staroverov, K.K. Zhamova, E.D. Holopova, K.G. Tkachenko
«Research of quality reproductive diasporas species apple (malus mill.) with using microfocus x-ray»
Application of a microfocal X-ray analysis for the analysis of fruits and seeds of some species of apple-trees allowed to reveal that in new conditions of growth not all types form fruits which have seeds.

UDC 635.21:631.527(571.1) SRSCTI 68.35.03
N.V. Dergacheva, A.I. Cheremisin, L.M. Kozhevnikova
«Biochemical characteristics of potato varietes selected by siberian scientific research inctitute of agriculture under conditions of forest-steppe zone of western siberia»
The analysis of the longstanding data on indicators of tubers quality of potato varieties grown in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia in contrast weather conditions from 2007 to 2014 is presented. A variability of the vitamin C and starch content is depending on climatic conditions and varietal characteristics.

UDC 634.1:631.526.32 SRSCTI 68.35.53
T.N. Doroshenko
«Improvement of the system of variety selection for creation of modern fruit plantations»
Reasonable formation of assortment to create different types of orchards will ensure the optimization production of fruits (including environmentally friendly), while respecting the principles of resource saving and environment protection.

UDC 634.11:631.527:631.526.1/.4(470.62) SRSCTI 68.35.53
I.V. Dubravina, I.S. Chepinoga, A.M. Tikhonova
«Singling out new source material to create domestic advanced competitive apple varieties in the south of russia»
An initial study of varieties of apple trees of various ecological and genetic origins in the North Caucasian genetic centre was done.

UDC 634.2:631.527.6:631.541.11 SRSCTI 68.35.53
V.G. Eremin, G.V. Eremin
«Foreign test of clonal rootstocks of stone fruits selection of krymsk experimental breeding station, created on the basis of domestic genetic resources»
A series of clonal rootstocks to be used in the up-to-date technologies of the intensive type was created at the Krymsk Experiment Breeding Station. In the selection programmes aimed at breeding these rootstocks, we used genotypes of predominantly wild-growing species of plum trees, cherry trees, Microcerasus, apricot and peach trees that had been singled out from the genetic collection and that possess unique valuable features. The best hybrids with these species inherited their high level of adaptability to extreme growing conditions, dwarfness, easy propagation by cuttings and layering.

UDC 634.11:581.557.24 SRSCTI 68.29.21
I.L. Efimova, A.P. Yurkov
«New methods of agric ecology to improve the quality of apple tree planting material»
The possibility of quality control of apple tree planting material by introduction in the technology innovation – application of the biological preparation based on symbiotic fungi Glomus sp. is established.

UDC 635.936.751:631.526.32 SRSCTI 68.35.03
N.V. Zubkova
«Perspective clematis l. assortment in breeding»
Presents results of a comprehensive study of Clematis L. genus, collection of Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center.

UDC 634.1 SRSCTI 68.35.53
E.A. Ivanova, G.R. Mursalimova, Z.A. Avdeeva, O.E. Merezhko, M.A. Tihonova, E.P. Starodubtseva, S.E. Nigmetjanova, F.K. Juraeva
«Growing adaptive planting material for orchards in the conditions of the orenburg region»
In article the basic results of scientific activities FSBSI “Orenburg experimental station of horticulture and viticulture RSTIHN” for 2009-2014 years the results of years of research on breeding and varietal study of fruit, berry crops and grapes.

UDC 634.71 : 631.532/.535 SRSCTI 62.33.29
L.V. Ivanova-Khanina
«Effect of nutrient medium hormonal composition on rhizogenesis of raspberry in vitro»
The study considers the impact of the most commonly used auxins (IAA and IBA) on the efficiency to induce roots at microshoots of remontant raspberry varieties Brusvyana Brusilovsky standard, Primara, Joan J.

UDC 631.526.32:633.491 SRSCTI 68.35.03
V.V. Kazakova, E.M. Kabanova, V.I. Onishchenko
«Comparative assessment of some potato varieties of domestic and foreign selection»
Analysis of a comparative assessment of development and productivity of potatoes of some grades of domestic and foreign selection, selection of productive varieties for selection in this region allows to carry out more precisely further.

UDC 635.631.52(571.1) SRSCTI 68.01.25
N.G. Kazydub, Т.V. Marakaeva, S.P. Kuzmina
«Prospects and results of haricot beans’ breeding in p.a. stolypin omsk state agrarian university»
Presents key research results in haricot’s breeding in Southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia and sets vectors for creation of new varieties.

UDC 635.21:631.526.32(571.63) SRSCTI
I.V. Kim, A.K. Novoselov, L.A. Novoselova
«Results of comparative evaluation of russian and foreign potato varieties in the conditions of primorsky krai»
There were also noticed more Russian varieties with good and excellent taste than foreign. Under testing the material on the field resistance to fungus and virus diseases, there were defined that in all, the number of home selection varieties with the field resistance to pathogens are more than those foreign ones.

UDC 635.9:582.711.712:631.527 SRSCTI 68.35.03
Z.K. Klymenko, V.K. Zykova
«Domestic and world gene resources in selection of garden roses in nikitsky botanical gardens»
The article presents a long-term study analysis of garden rose collection in Nikitsky Botanical Gardens. As a result of this research out of more than 6000 cultivars, species and forms, 100 of the most valuable cultivar-donors were emphasized due to their important economic and biological characteristics.

UDC 635.9:582.711.712:631.527 SRSCTI 68.35.03
Z.K. Klymenko, S.A. Plugatar, I.N. Kravchenko
«Rathe rose sorts and species from nikitsky botanicfl gardens colletction and use of them for planting on south coast of the crimea»
Due to cultivar study and assessment of rose collection in Nikitsky Botanical Gardens, 60 rathe high-ornamental rose cultivars.

UDC 582.475.4:575 SRSCTI 68.35.01
V.P. Koba, T.P. Zhigalova
«Synecological factors limiting the seed germination of herbaceous plants in biocenoses of crimean pine»
In vitro studies were carried out the dynamics of life characteristics of seed plants, forming a grassy stage in ecosystems Crimean pine.

UDC 635. 611/.621:631.526.32.009.12 SRSCTI 68.35.51
T.G. Koleboshina
«New varieties of watermelon, melon and pumpkin for commodity melon production of russia, their competitiveness in today's market»
Discusses the problem of security industry in the domestic melon varieties and hybrids of watermelon, melon and pumpkin, their competitiveness in relation to the varieties of foreign breeding.

UDC 633.88:575.21 SRSCTI 68.35.43
I.N. Korotkih, F.M. Hazieva
«The identification of digitalis lanata ehrh. Сultivars at morphological traits complex»
The identification data of Digitalis lanata Ehrh. collectible gene pool five cultivars on morphological traits complex that characterize the basal rosette of leaves, stem and, in general, the habit of the plant are presented.

UDC 634.1:631.53 SRSCTI 68.29.21
A.P. Kuznetsova, E.L. Tyshchenko
«Tendencies of development of domestic nursery at the modern stage»
Reviewed an actual problems of nursery-gardens of Krasnodar region and the nursery-gardening in general. Emphasis is placed on the need in a modern market conditions improve the assortment of planting material produced.

UDC 634.25.26.631.544 SRSCTI 68.35.31
T.A. Latsko
«Biomorphological characteristics of new sorts and forms of peach and nectarine within steppe crimea nursery»
The research focused on study of morphological characteristics of new peach (Prunus Persica (L.) Batsch.) and nectarine (P. vulgaris subsp. nectarina) varieties and hybrids, breeding NBG-NSC, in nursery of South Steppe zone the Crimea.

UDC [634.5+634.6]:631.527.8(470) SRSCTI 68.35.12
T.V. Litvinova, I.G. Chernobay, E.L. Shishkina
«Principial methods of subtropical and nut-bearing crops selection within nikitsky botanical gardens»
Getting of input selection material of almond was carried out by methods of intervariental and interspecific hybridization and induced mutagenesis.

UDC 634.23:631.526.3:631.527 SRSCTI 68.35.41
L.A. Lukichova
«Gene pool of sweet cherry as the starting material for selection»
The composition of the collection cherry NBG-NSC, numbering about 600 samples originating from 19 countries. They belong to the eight eco-geographical groups. The results of many years of studying varieties of elite hybrid forms and seedlings in the steppe Crimea.

UDC 635:631.53.01 SRSCTI 68.01.37
A.М. Malko
«Some results of implementation of the programe of national standardization of seed production in russia»
In accordance with federal legislation the program of national standardization of seed production in Russian Federation is being implemented successfully.

UDC К [664.8: 663.2]: 65.018 SRSCTI 68.35.55
N.V. Matuzok, P.P. Radchevsky, R.V. Kravchenko, L.P. Troshin, I.A. Chursin, D.S. Sidorenko
«Ecologically pure viticultural – winemaking production: a new approach for its preparation»
The paper reviews the results of studies on foliar treatment of the bushes activated water with the properties of biologically active substances. This technology allows a contactless manner to transfer to the usual water properties of biologically active substances, and subsequently use this water as a carrier of these properties. Spraying crops such water has influence on plants, not conceding the action of own chemicals. This eliminates all the negative factors associated with the use of chemicals. The basis of this technology is a universal phenomenon, objectively existing in the world around us - is the ability of all objects to the exchange of information. The proposed technology "Aquator" allows you to carry the water and aqueous solutions of properties biologically active substances, virtually no restrictions in terms of preparation.

UDC 634.25: 57.063.7: 631.559 (477.75) SRSCTI 68.35.07
N.V. Mesyats
«Productivity and selection of highly productive peach forms bred in nikitsky botanical gardens – national science center»
As the result of this study there were allocated six hybrid forms according to the complex of indicators in the group of early term of ripening.

UDC 633.822:631.523 SRSCTI 68.35.03:68.35.37
A.V. Mishnev, E.B. Shulga
«Use of interspecies hybridization and experimental polyploidy for creation of linalool - linalil acetate mint variety»
The interspecies hybrids (Mentha citrata Ehrh. Ѕ M. longifolia L.) Ѕ M. aguatica L., (M. citrata Ѕ M. longifolia) Ѕ M. spicata L. and (M. citrata Ѕ M. longifolia) Ѕ M. longifolia had been created by means of preliminary experimental polyploidy of sterile initial forms (M. citrata, M. longifolia) and further interspecific hybridization

UDC 634.11: 631.541 SRSCTI 68.35.53
G.R. Mursalimova
«Adaptive and productive varieties of clonal rootstocks of apple as an alternative, competitive products in the global market»
The test of clonal rootstocks breeding research institutions in critical climatic conditions of the steppe zone of the southern Urals has allowed to allocate the studied rootstocks in the category of reliable high-yielding forms that are widely used in the manufacturing conditions of the region and are alternative and competitive products in the global market.

UDC 633.81 SRSCTI 68.35.37:68.35.03
E.F. Myagkih, A.V. Mishnev
«Evaluation of options for seedlings of origanum vulgare l., obtained by green cutting»
The effective method to propagate Oregano is green cutting, coefficient of a three-year old plant O. vulgare, depending on the genetic characteristics of the sample (without the use of stimulants rooting) is from 1:44 to 1:539 pcs. compared with traditional reproduction coefficient by dividing bush - from 1:5 to 1:12 pcs.

UDC 635.1/.8:631.526.3 SRSCTI 06.75.10
V.I. Nemtinov, Y.N. Dement'ev
«Non-traditional varieties of vegetable plants: the direction of use»
The significance of rare species of plants and vegetables, creation of varieties, their chemical composition and economically valuable traits have been outlined. Two varieties of lagenaria differ in fruit shape, the yield of fruits and seeds, as well as on the content of dry matter and vitamin C.

UDC [634.11:631.526.3]: 631.583(470.6) SRSCTI 68.35.53:68.35.03:34.31.37:68.29.21
N.I. Nenko, J.I. Sergeev, S.N. Artyukh, N.N. Sergeeva, I.L. Efimova
«Adaptability and processability apple varieties of local breeding in the intensity plantations in the south of russia»
Systematic studies of new apple varieties of local selection functional status in advanced industrial plantations and intensive type are conducted to assess the ability of new apple varieties of local selection to adapt to specific abiotic factors of the region.

UDC 634.8: 778.33 SRSCTI 68.35.55
M.A. Nikolsky, A.Y. Gryaznov, K.K. Zhamova, V.B. Bessonov, N.N. Potrakhov
«Assessment of quality planting material of grapes by methods of microfocus x-ray»
Describes methods for determining the quality parameters of grape planting material using microfocus X-ray.

UDC 635.21:631.531.02:581 SRSCTI 68.35.49
E.V. Oves, S.V. Zhevora, N.A. Qaitova
«Innovative way of in vitro miСrocuttings storage of potato in biokapsuls»
Preservation developed technology of in vitro potato cuttings in the form of biokapsuls can significantly reduce material costs for maintaining an active collection of the initial material in the form of microplants and retain their quality characteristics.

UDC 635.631.52/.53 (470.23) SRSCTI 68.35.03
G.S. Osipova, I.N. Andreeva, O.V. Nikolaeva
«Selection and seed production directions for private vegetable growing in leningrad region»
The research results of selection work with samples of cucumbers and tomatoes obtained from the collection of All-Union N.I. Vavilov Scientific research Institute of Plant Production.

UDC 631.53.02 SRSCTI 68.35.03
N.Yu. Polyakova, N.P. Demchenko
«Ways of increase of competitiveness of domestic breeding and seed production of vegetable plants in domestic and global market»
Questions of breeding and seed production of vegetable crops in the world, in Russia and in the Crimea are considered in the article. The causes of the backlog of the Russian Federation in solving the problems of breeding and seed production of vegetables are indicated.

UDC 635.21 SRSCTI 68.01.81
K.A. Pshechenkov, S.V. Maltsev
«Harvesting, post-harvest completion and storage of seed potatoes»
Potato production consists of two main blocks field work and storage. analyzed different harvesting technologies, their advantages and disadvantages.

UDC 631.527.8: 635.649 SRSCTI 68.35.03
O.N. Pyshnaya, M.I. Mamedov, N.A. Shmikova, D.V. Shumilina, T.P. Suprunova, E.A. Dzhos, A.A. Matyukina
«Usage of conventional and modern methods in breeding of pepper capsicum l.»
Based on molecular analysis, the genes/loci responsible for resistance to viruses were identified. The recombinant nature of genotypes was revealed. The genotyping of cultivars and purity of hybrids were conducted.

UDC 634.8.03:631.811 SRSCTI 06.75.10
P.P. Radchevsky
«New growth regulators to improve regenerative activity of vine cuttings, output and quality of seedlings»
It was found that treatment with grape cuttings ekzuberon and Radix plus not only accelerated the tab on the cuttings root primordia and increased rooting, but also significantly increased the number of zeros on their basal ends. In the case of the number ekzuberona formed roots with increasing concentrations of drug from 1 to 4%, and exposure processing for 24 to 48 hours it is also increased. When applying plus Radix in the case of the preparation of working solution in a concentration of 0,75 or 1%, better handling of cuttings carried out for 7-8 hours. By reducing the concentration of up to 0,5% is necessary to increase the processing time to 24 hours. This allows 2 doubling the number of the processed cuttings in the same volume of the formulation.

UDC [664.8: 663.2]: 65.018 SRSCTI 68.35.55
P.P. Radchevsky, N.V. Matuzok, R.V. Kravchenko, L.P. Troshin, I.A. Chursin, D.V. Sidorenko
«Increasing the productivity of wine grapes based on the use of modern technologies»
This article continues a series of publications devoted to studying the effect of different rates of drug Nutrivant-plus on the yield and quality of grapes Chardonnay and drug Florona on varieties of vineyards Citron Magaracha. The studies were conducted in accordance with the thematic plan of the Kuban State Agrarian University research in AF "South" and ZAO "Victory", which are located in the Temryuk district of the Krasnodar Territory. Experienced site confined to the zone of an unreliable moistening. Soil farms belong to the group of southern chernozems. Weather conditions during the experiments during the growing season of grapes were typical for the area, but differed on the average daily air temperature and precipitation.

UDC 635.935.792:631.526.32 SRSCTI 68.35.03
L.F. Reshetnikova
«Palynological features of breeds iris hybrida hort. in the conditions of a foothill zone of the crimea»
The studies found that the varieties Iris hybrida Hort. pollen grains vary in size and number of normal pollen grains depending on belonging to a particular group of garden.

UDC 581.13:633.88 SRSCTI 34.05.17
N.I. Sidel’nikov, F.M. Hazieva, V.I. Osipov
«The study of metabolome of echinacea purpurea, macleaya cordata and atropa belladonna»
Presents data on the cultivation of such medicinal plant as Echinacea purpurea Moench., Macleaya cordata L., Atropa belladonna L. in Russian Federation regions with different soil and climatic condition, which undoubtedly influenced both the raw material yield and the metabolome of plants. It is shown that herb yield of E.purpurea "Tan’usha" cultivar is higher by 18%, root yield by 23%; yield of herb and seeds A.belladonna "Bagira" cultivar is higher by на 12 and 8%, respectively, for cultivation in the Belgorod region, compared with Moscow region. The herb yield of M. cordata "Voskhozhdenie" cultivar in sum of two silage cuts in the Krasnodar region on 16% higher, then the Belgorod region. A comparative study of metabolome main components in raw materials showed that content of cichorieae acid in the herb of E. purpurea in the Moscow region was 1,8 times higher than in Belgorod region as shown the study of "Tan’usha" cultivar raw. A dependency of phenolic compounds content from the production region is.

UDC 631.53: 582.998.16 SRSCTI 68.35.03; 68.35.37
O.B. Skipor, N.V. Nevkritaya
«Technological features of growing varietal planting material of crimean wormwood artemisia taurica willd.»
First the basic elements of technology for production varietal seedlings of Crimean wormwood of green and annual lignified cuttings were developed.

UDC 634.25:631.526 SRSCTI 68.35.52
A.V. Smykov, O.S. Fedorova
«Early maturity, blossoming and productivity of peach hybrid forms selected in nikitsky botanical gardens»
As a result of the research among 105 studied elite hybrid peach forms of NBG selection, due to directed hybridization were selected several categories: early maturing – 18 forms: Valiant Ѕ Favorita Morettini 80-444, Mirijnin Ѕ Nevesta 83-900, Mirijnin Ѕ Nevesta 83-1207, Redhaven Ѕ Sochnij 80-343 and other, late-flowering – 18: Valiant Ѕ Favorita Morettini 80-444, Veteran Ѕ Cardinal 81-808, Mirijnin Ѕ Nevesta 83-918, Zvezdochka sv. op.and other, high degree of flowering – 11: Valiant Ѕ Favorita Morettini 80-356, Veteran Ѕ Favorita Morettini 80-682, Veteran Ѕ Favorita Morettini 80-691 and other, long blossoming period – 27: Valiant Ѕ Favorita Morettini 80-444, Veteran Ѕ Cardinal 81-808, Mirijnin Ѕ Nevesta 83-918, Zvezdochka sv. op., № 259 and other, high crop capacity – 16 forms.

UDC 633.15:631.527 SRSCTI 68.35.37
E.F. Sotchenko, Y.V. Sotchenko, E.A. Konareva, V.V. Martirosyan, E.V. Zhirkova
«Study of source material for medium and medium-late corn hybrids breeding»
Studies have allowed to identify the best source corn material with a high level of grain yield from 4,6 to 7,0 t/ha and complex resistance to pests and diseases.

UDC 634.8.05:632.1 SRSCTI 68.35.55
M.A. Tihonova, G.R. Mursalimova, E.A. Ivanova, Z.A. Avdeeva, O.E. Merezhko, S.E. Nigmetjanova, E.P. Starodubtseva, F.K. Juraeva
«Prospects of development of viticulture and the production of planting material in the orenburg region»
Presents the special features of the annual biological cycle of varieties and forms of grapes depending on environmental conditions.

UDC 635.935.722.24: 631.526.32 SRSCTI 68.35.03
I.V. Ulanovskaya
«Foreign assortment of hemerocallis hybrida hort. in breeding of domestic varieties»
Covers history of Hemerocallis hybrida hort. selection development in the world and Hemerocallis hybrida Hort. collection in Nikitsky botanical Gardens.

UDC 634.1:631.52 SRSCTI 68. 35. 03
Y.V. Oulyanovskaya, I.I. Suprun, S.V. Tokmakov, G.V. Gordeeva
«Initial material of an apple-tree for creation of genotypes of different ploidy apple-tree, steady against a scab»
Results of long-term studying of grades and elite forms of an apple-tree (Malus domestica Borkh) of a different ploidy, growing in the conditions of the South of Russia. A research objective – creation of new grades of an apple-tree of a different ploidy, high-quality, immune and in a complex steady against the main fungus diseases, with high adaptation to climatic conditions of the region.

UDC 581.192:633.88 SRSCTI 34.05.17
F.M. Hazieva, I.N. Korotkih, V.I. Ossipov
«The breeding of medicinal plants by applying metabolomic analysis»
In the process of clonal breeding were selected nine Origanum samples having differences associated with the morphotype of plants: quantitative and qualitative differences in the composition of the essential oil (EO), the yield and content of essential oil: the yield of raw tall morphotypes 30-35 kg/ha at 0,2-0,3% of EO, short - 20-25 kg/ha at 0,4-0,6% of EO; compact – 20 kg/ha at 0.6-0,8% of EO.

UDC 633.8:631.526.3(470.62) SRSCTI 68.35.03
L.A. Khlypenko, V.D. Rabotyagov, L.A. Logvinenko, O.M. Shevchuk
«Perspective sorts of volatile-oil-bearing oils and medical plants to cultivation in the south region of russia»
The description of 6 new sorts volatile-oil-bearing plants selection by the Nikitsky Botanical Garden and 2 new sorts medical plants selection by the Donetsk Botanical Gardens have been given in the present article. These sorts are drought-resisting and steady to disease and pest. They are obtained in the results of morpho-biological and the main economical signs lots of species and varieties from different geographic zone. These sorts are source of valuable essential oil with new aspects of aroma and medical raw materials.

UDC 606:63:582.929.4:633.88 SRSCTI 68.35.43
M.Yu. Cherednichenko, M.M. Moubarak
«Using in vitro technology for conservation and propagation of pennyroyal (mentha pulegium l.) Аs medicinal substances producer»
The article deals with an importance of secondary metabolites of pennyroyal, as well as a possibility of its in vitro cultivation as a herb produced pharmaceutically valuable compounds in its essential oil: pulegone, menthon, (?-) and (?)-pinene and caryophyllene.

UDC 606:63:582.929.4 SRSCTI 68.35.43
M.Yu. Cherednichenko, O.B. Polivanova
«Prospects of biotechnological propagation techniques to representatives of the genus agastache clayton ex gronov. for secondary metabolites production»
For the production of biologically active substances works to increase the synthesis of secondary metabolites in vitro are in hammering.

UDC606:63:582.376.1 SRSCTI 68.35.21
R.Y. Shabanov, E.А. Esayan, V.E. Astafyeva, O.V. Yeskova, M.V. Savchenko, N.G. Kirilenko, A.A. Savchenko
«Storage of seed essential oil and medicinal plants»
The problem of storage of seeds, which is important for maintaining the living state of the gene pool of plants and seed production practices.

UDC 606:63:582.352.2 SRSCTI 68.35.11
R.Y. Shabanov, N.M. Makrushin, E.А. Esayan, V.E. Astafyeva, M.V. Savchenko, N.G. Kirilenko, Yu.V. Plugatar, S.P. Kutko
«The biological basis of innovative technologies of cultivation of seed essential oil and medicinal plants»
The development of the most important elements of technology of cultivation of seed essential oil and medicinal plants on the basis of study of their ontogeny and processes of formation of seeds in the Crimea.

UDC 633.81:57.085.2 SRSCTI 34.31.33
O.V. Yakimova, N.A. Yegorova
«The influence of the composition of the nutrient medium and genotype on clonal micropropagation of origanum in vitro»
The obtained results were the basis for development of micropropagation techniques of Origanum vulgare L. in vitro.